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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Scientist Discover That Sci-Fi Movies Are Right

Biologists have confirmed finding life on Mars.
Recently, old sets of data from an earlier mission to the planet Mars were reviewed. The biologists studying the data revealed early Wednesday morning that they have indeed confirmed the existence of life on Mars as a result of the revisitation of this data. The interesting part about this, is that it confirms a theory that science fiction movies and TV shows have been trying to support for many years...

Astronomer, David A. Fterdentist explains when he says "So, when we originally looked at this rock thing from Mars our microscopes were kinda old. They weren't as cool as the ones that we have now. After we looked at the data again, we discovered that there actually is intelligent life on Mars. It's too complicated to explain, but we did."

Mr. Fterdentist goes on to explain "We sent the Mars rover, Opportunity, to a section of Mars that had previously been unexplored by humans. You see, the data that we looked at actually gave us some vague information about the possible whereabouts of alien life. So, on a hunch, we sent the rover there."

He adds "What we found was absolutely incredible. Aliens! Intelligent aliens. Not only were they intelligent, but just like we had learned from Science Fiction movies, because they are intelligent, they all have British accents."

Mr. Fterdentist did go on to explain "after speaking with many of them via ham radio, we found a couple that had southern accents. Those guys weren't that smart".

The team of scientists also confirmed other myths, such as follows : 
  • They have cool energy weapons 
  • They're about the same size as humans
  • Their blood is blue 
  • They want to kill everyone on earth so that they may harvest it's resources 
  • They aren't afraid of humans in the least bit 
  • Every human that has seen them has feared them
  • They all speak english. 

The following myths, unfortunately, were busted: 
  • They do not have light sabers 
  • They do not have flying saucers 
  • They do not have the force

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