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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stereotypes Now "Fair Game" in Florida

50mph+No hands+Ice= This guy
Written by Roger Roger
Saturday May 5th, 2012

If you are Asian or a woman, then you have probably been told that you do not drive very well. If you are black you have probably been expected to have serious basketball skills, a fondness for fried chicken, and a love of rap music. If you are white you have probably been considered to be stuck up, a prude, or (depending on where you live) a red neck. Are you Hispanic? Then you have probably been expected to have a lot of people living under one roof or car and have heard a joke or two about green cards...
KFC commercial banned in Africa
Are these viewpoints entirely wrong? Not necessarily, but these ideas have always been stereotypes* - generalizations that have never been proven statistically. However, in the state of Florida a law has just been passed stating that as of May 1, 2012 any and all stereotypes are to be considered and treated as facts. Anybody who takes offense to any of the stereotypes out there, will now be breaking the law. We contacted the mayor of Florida, Rick Scott, for more information on the reasoning behind this new law. This is what he had to say "With this Trayvon Martin case and the world in general being so fragile and sensitive in a social sense, we deem it a necessity that we widen the gap between what is considered racist and what is just a fact. We find that most people are offended by stereotypes, but not so much by facts. This can be seen in a persons using the phrase "Hey I'm just telling the truth" after saying something offensive about someone else. For example pointing out a fat persons problem with being fat is rude, but its not offensive because its true. Or Saying that women have a better chance of getting pregnant then men is not sexist, it's a fact, therefore people find it easier to accept."
In training for the summer Olympics

He continues "Up until now the anonymity that has been accompanied by certain thoughts such as, 'Indian people always work at Dunkin Donuts and Subway, has caused a lot of hurt feelings when these thoughts are expressed . Hurt feelings lead to calling the offender racist. Calling someone racist leads to that person trying to prove that they are not racist. That usually results in  further racist comments in attempt to explain themselves. Which leads to war and death. So this law has been created to stop war and death essentially."

"Just wanted to see if you were down for a
game of cowboys and Indians. It's legal now."
He adds "With this new law we will be able to say things that at one time might have seemed ignorant, unfair, or narrow minded without fear of being called racist." Rick Scott stated that he would also like a law to be passed that will require all residents of Florida to live up to the many stereotypes out there to ease any confusion that may result from the first law. He stated, "This new law is in the works now. So if you're black you better get accustomed to watermelon. If you are white you better start sticking your nose up at every other race. If you are Hispanic be prepared to laugh at those green card jokes. If you are offended right now you are breaking the law so stop it!" 

This new law again began on May 1, 2012 for all those who live in the state of Florida.

(*A stereotype is a popular belief about specific types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of people based on some prior assumptions. Another name for stereotyping is bias. A bias is a tendency, most of these are good, but sometimes stereotyping can turn into discrimination if we misinterpret a bias and act upon it in a negative manner.)

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