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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Study Reveals Women Don't Understand Either

Saturday April 28th, 2012

A recent study conducted by professor of sociology, James Hendrix, revealed a shocking truth with regards to a well accepted myth, namely, that men don't understand women. "The part of the myth that men don't understand, is so far unconfirmed, but this myth that men don't understand implies that all women do. That's the part that we want to debunk".

Hendrix goes on to explain the reasons for focusing on this part of the myth when he says "as men, we need to prove that we're right about things. That's why we did this study. We wanted to prove to women that they actually don't make sense. To anybody! We wanted to prove that they don't just confuse men because men are stupid, as they imply, but rather that they confuse men and women alike, simply because the things they say and do, don't make sense to anybody."

Hendrix and a team of 40 researchers, all male, explain the process of exposing the false nature of the myth when he says "What we did was very clever. We got a few dozen women to answer a few questions about common problems men have. We asked each of them the following questions:

When a woman says "No" what does she mean?
When a woman says "Yes" what does she mean?
When a woman says "does this make my butt look big" what does she mean?
When a woman says "do whatever you want" what does she mean?
And lastly, why do women say the opposite of what they mean?

What we found was rather revealing. Every single woman gave us a very complex, well thought out answer, but the answers from each woman were very different."

He gives some examples of the most confusing answers when he says "We asked what a woman means when she says "no". The most confusing answer we got was 'She means yes. Unless she actually means no. It depends on the context'. We also asked why  women say the opposite of what they mean. The best explanation we got was 'because we want men to know us without having to explain. MEN SHOULD KNOW WHAT WE WANT WITHOUT US HAVING TO WASTE OUR TIME EXPLAINING IT!'. I'm not sure why it was capitalized though."

"In addition to the fact that all the women's answers were different, they were all also incorrect" He continues on to explain what he meant by this, saying "you see, we consulted the expert on women, the definitive woman, and judged all other answers on her scale. Angelina Jolie was proud to participate" said Hendrix "She provided us with the answers that she believed most women would use. Since none of these women answered the way that Mrs. Jolie thought that they would to any of these questions, we have to assume that they are all incorrect. This proves that not only do men not understand women, but also that women do not understand women either. Nor does even the expert woman, Angelina Jolie, understand women".

Surprisingly, Hendrix did manage to stay married for 47 hours after the study was published, although analysts predict that he will never marry again.

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