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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Man Feels Being Mac Owner Makes Him Better Person

Wednesday April 25th, 2012

Steve Jobs seen here accepting the fact that he's "better than others"
Gregory White of Salt Lake City, Utah and Doctor of Psychology says that
"being a Mac owner means that I'm smarter than people who use PCs". He says that these claims are founded on universally accepted facts. He lists some of these facts in an article published by Mac Mad Magazine where he says "1) Mac commercials. They're better than commercials for PCs. 2) Talk to any Mac owner, you can tell by their false sense of entitlement that they're better people. 3) Mac is just a cooler name than PC. 4) Just look at us. You can tell by the way we look down our nose at other people, including other Mac owners, that we're smarter, wealthier, and all around better".

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley tried to substantiate these claims but were only able to confirm that being a Mac owner makes the average person think that they're a better person. Professor of Sociology, Sanjay Patel calls this "the Rene Descartes effect" when he says that Mac ownership makes people believe "I think I am better than others, therefore I am". He explains the results of a survey that his team conducted when he says "We first gathered as many Mac owners as we could for the survey. Of the 2,468 that we contacted, 2,370 returned our email only to say 'I'm too important to help with your petty pursuits. Maybe if you're email had ended with "Sent from my Mac" I would have time for you'. It's incredible that so many responded in the exact same manner."

He goes on to explain that "of the 98 who did agree to take part in the survey 88 of them didn't show up. When we called to check that they remembered their appointment they all explained 'of course I remembered! I have it in iCal. But iCal prioritizes the events in my schedule and being that you're a PC owner you were on the bottom of my list just below scratching my foot and blinking'. The remaining ten people were innocently duped into buying a Mac by their clever marketing which makes it seem like purchasing a Mac is literally the only viable option."

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