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Friday, July 13, 2012

Blog Goes on Hiatus and Nobody Cares

Friday July 13th, 2012
Written, edited and performed by Lane Fries

A blogger named Lance Freeze recently took a break from what he calls "satirical comedy blogging" for 2 months. A group of his friends were asked about how they felt about his ambitions. Below are some of the responses:

Us: "How do you feel about the hiatus of Lance's blog?"
Friend A: "What's a blog?"
Us: "Blog is short for web log. It's basically an online journal."
Friend A:  Why would anyone want to read anyone's journal?"
Us: "Well you can write about whatever you want"
Friend A: "Wait, who are you?"
Us: " ... "

Us: "How do you feel about Lance's hiatus?"
Friend B: "What did you call me?!"

These brief snippets reveal that people really don't notice or care about a hiatus. Lance's blog is a satirical comedy blog. Satirical comedy means that a person can say whatever they want about whatever they want in an ironic, facetious, condescending tone and nobody is allowed to judge them. Writers of satire usually think they're smarter than everyone else since they notice irony when others do not. In reality, writers of satire are just more irritable than other people and have inferiority complexes. This causes that to write their own thoughts in a round-about manner so that others can pay attention to them and praise them.

For more information on satire, please read anything on this blog and share it with your friends. For more shameless plugs, please visit any word in this paragraph.